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Datum : 15.05.2014

Titel :
Raynet and Comparex now bundling recognition and compliance catalog to provide a first class solution

Meldung : Paderborn (ots) - Raynet GmbH, Europe's leading provider of software packaging and life cycle management application products, and Comparex, a global provider of cross-manufacturer software catalogs in the licensing business, are announcing their partnership to provide a lean, comprehensive solution for this market. This partnership will give customers a high-synergy option. RaySuite, an important part of the Raynet product family, includes the RayVentory solution, which can be used to automatically create an inventory that stores all installed software, computer devices, VMware host systems, and Hyper-V and Oracle databases. RayVentory uses agents and agentless technology as well as remote inventory to realize these automatic inventories and does so across a company?s entire IT infrastructure in order to gather and report the necessary data to RayVentory. Comparex manages a database with software that is available for purchase worldwide. COMPAREX offers the world's must comprehensive, daily updated software catalog and delivers unmatched data quality. Comparex also offers SAM2GO, a solution for license management. The two partners are able to create a license balance sheet, which provides much greater transparency for the companies that buy software and licenses and allows companies to prove which software is in use if audited by the software manufacturers, by comparing software licenses that have been purchased with the software that is actually installed. Unlike the traditional project-related SAM approach, the use of an automated process allows for comprehensive compliance status information to be generated. This allows companies to significantly reduce the risk of facing enormous out-of-compliance penalties and even potential fines when audited without having to purchase additional hardware or software. Costs can be reduced and are easier to calculate when planning for the future and companies can do a better job of planning rollouts. It also gives companies an affordable and reliable way of making sure that they comply with legal regulations. Companies gain the transparency that their controllers and tax advisors love to see. Raynet and Comparex customers can rejoice: The two companies are now partnering to create a solution that allows them to use each other?s solutions for license management projects and achieve optimal results in the very near future. "The days of expensive and complicated license management solutions are pretty much over," says Ragip Aydin, managing partner at Raynet GmbH. "What comapnies want today are simple, practical solutions that enable them to quickly count licenses and use catalogs like the one offered by Comparex so that they can maintain a clean software DNA record. Comparex and Raynet are meeting this need and offering a solution that is much more affordable than traditional license management systems." More information about Raynet and RayVentory available at www.raynet.de About Raynet Raynet GmbH is an innovative, technology-based service and product supplier for information technology and specialises in the architecture, implementation and management of all tasks in the application management life cycle, particularly in system and software management, including software packaging, software distribution, migration and client engineeringwww.raynet.de Originaltext: Raynet GmbH digital press kits: http://www.presseportal.de/pm/66987 press kits via RSS: http://www.presseportal.de/rss/pm_66987.rss2 Contact: Raynet GmbH Technologiepark 20 D-33100 Paderborn, Germany Web: www.raynet.de Herr Ragip Aydin Phone: +49 5251 54009-0 Fax: +49 5251 54009-29 Email: presse@raynet.de

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